Sunday, July 24, 2011

Today's Event Report- 7-24-2011 in Essex

Firstly We The People Of Connecticut would like to thank George Fox for his incredible hospitality and for an event that went off without a single hiccup!! The luncheon before the presentation was fabulous as was the dessert afterward. We can not thank George enough for inviting us into his home and making us feel welcomed as if we were old and dear friends. We were very honored to be invited into his home.

There were about a dozen people in attendance, all of whom listened to the presentation and asked some excellent questions and had encouraging comments. Each time we do this we are amazed at how enlightened and motivated the people in attendance are, and these are just the kind of people we need to join us! We would like to thank all of those who attended and joined. Together we can get this job done!

If you would like to sponsor an event, please contact us at
We will give the presentation anywhere in Connecticut and for any size group from 10 to 10,000!! We can not do this without your help and support!!

Thanks again to George Fox for a great event, you are a true gentleman, sir!

William A. Heering

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