Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Apologizies

I must first apologize for not living up to the standard I set for myself. You see I wanted this to be THE source for information regarding We The People Of Connecticut and I dropped the ball. We have been very busy and have limited time and man power. We are all volunteers doing this in our "spare" time, we have jobs and or have businesses to run as well as personal lives and We The People. While the organization has been moving forward, some portions of the organization have been neglected, this being one of them. I am refocusing my efforts regarding this blog and it will live up to the standard I have set.

In addition to our events and actions we will begin posting pieces regarding the Constitution both State and Federal as well as informational pieces about a wide range of topics.

In the last month we have taken action regarding 2 Executive Orders Governor Malloy has issued. Executive Order #9 attempted to unionize child care providers (Daycare workers) in the state. And Executive Order #10 attempted to unionize all home health aids in the state. We The People Of Connecticut has taken action regarding both of these unconstitutional Executive Orders.

The action taken so far regarding EO 9 include an open letter to Governor Malloy notifying him that he is in violation of the Connecticut Constitution and asking him to rescind it immediately. This was done on September 26th 2011.

Executive Order #10 similarly attempts to unionize all Personal Care Attendants. Which include in-home healthcare providers for the elderly or disabled. The Governor was notified as to the unconstitutional nature of this Executive Oder as well with a letter outlining the violations and again asking that the order be rescinded. This took place on October 3rd 2011.

Here is where we catch up to our current action. Yesterday, October 17th, We The People Of Connecticut formally petitioned the Connecticut Legislature to begin formal inquires into the unconstitutional actions of the Governor regarding Executive Orders 9 & 10. We are asking for an official bi-partisan inquiry and for the legislature to take the appropriate action to make these Executive Orders conform the Connecticut's State Constitution.

All of the above actions can be viewed in detail on our website in the "actions" tab. We have a link to it on the left side of this blog under "Useful Links". Please read them, they are very informative.
I will renew my pledge to make this THE first source for the latest news regarding our actions and events. Again, I apologize for not keeping up, there will always be room for improvement, but I will do my best.

We are always looking for people to help us. As this organization gets bigger (as it has been doing over the last few months) it is becoming harder for us to focus on what we need to do. If you would like to help, please contact us at wethepeopleofconnecticut@gmail.com. We are looking for all sorts of help, we are spreading ourselves way too thin!! So if you are thinking you would like to get involved some how and politics as usual is not your cup of tea, try going in a constitutional direction!! We could use your help.

William Heering
Board of Directors

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